Edging is essential for the preservation of any paved patio, garden bedding, driveway and walkway. If edging is not used, you will find that the sand base and hence your pavers will start to move and separate.
By securing the edges, you are securing your patio, driveway and walkway against the harsh elements of rain, snow and foot traffic. Edging helps maintain the appearance and quality of your landscaping.

Pavers were not always used in such a vast array of applications. They started their journey in post-war Europe, where after the destroying effects of bombing, pavers were used to repair the streets and pavements.

Edging not only have practical benefits, but it is also decorative. Edging can accentuate any garden plot or flower bed. In a sense edging puts a frame or border around the picture, that being your garden. It draws the attention and highlights the chosen areas.
Whether it is around the flowers, fruit or vegetable patches, edging can also help prevent species crossing over and destroying others. Edging helps preserve what ever it confines!